With the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency the Agricultural Development Association implemented the project “Capacity building for eco-friendly agro-technologies in Shida Kartli Region”.
The main goal of the project was the knowledge and information dissemination about modern, ecologically-friendly IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and INM (Integrated Nutrient Management) systems in the sector of agricultural plants` production among the farmer communities and other interested stakeholders.
Within the scope of the above-mentioned project, for the beneficiary groups of farmers selected from the conflict-affected villages of Shida Kartli region the following services were implemented:
- Soil agrochemical analyses
- Implementation of monitoring of the target-agricultural plant varieties produced on the demonstration sites and providing the relevant recommendations for the demo-plot owner farmers in the fields of integrated pest and nutrient managements.
Besides, within the framework of the project the technical facilities focused on pesticide safe usage were delivered to the project beneficiary farmers.
During the project implementation, in order to disseminate the needed information and knowledge among the local farmer communities living in the conflict-affected areas the individual educational field-monitoring days were organized in the households of the interested farmers. Within the scope of these activities the dissemination of the educational agro-consultancy services was provided through the direct meetings and by means of spreading the printed materials containing the needed information for the local famer communities.
In total, the needed educational agro-consultancy services were delivered to around 200 farmers living on the project area.
With the purpose of promoting the modern, ecologically-friendly IPM and INM strategies among the project stakeholders the relevant guidelines and video-presentations were elaborated. These materials provide the detailed descriptions, illustrations and relevant ecologically friendly control measures recommended to be provided against key harmful organisms of the basic agricultural plant varieties cultivated in Georgia.
Within the scope of the project it is planned to disseminate the above-mentioned educational materials among the project stakeholders (vocational collages of the agricultural profile, local governmental agro-extension service providers, farmer communities, etc.).
In order to promote the project results and the educational materials created under the within of the project it is planned to provide the relevant presentations for the representatives of the cestorial organizations and institutions.