The presentation of the project results was conducted in Bahgdati branch of college “IBERIA”.
Within the scope of the mentioned project the short-term Vocational training program –” Agricultural Plants integrated Protection” was established in the project beneficiary college (“IBERIA”).
The project was implemented with the financial facilitation of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) project (“Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (VET) System related to Agriculture in Georgia (VET phase 2).
Respectively. the project presentation was conducted under the scope of the planned activities of the mentioned project.
The presentation attendants were informed about the conducted activities within the framework of the project and the result achieved – as a result of the project implementation the vocational college IBERIA has obtained the authorized right to implement a vocational training program – “Integrated Plant Protection” for 3 years.
During the project implementation period the series of ToT (Trainings of Trainers) were conducted for the college staff and other stakeholders to enhance their professional skills, and the relevant certificates were delivered to the participants of the ToT after the presentation of the project results.
Besides, during the presentation it was also announced the launch of a new project of ADA – ” Innovative learning platform creation for acquiring and recognizing of the non-formal education in agricultural fields and establishment of the vocational learning program of viticulture in the vocational college “HORIZONT”.
Within the scope new project, the beneficial College “IBERIA” will gain the right to recognize non-formal knowledge in the field of integrated plants protection.
As for the second beneficial college of the project, as it was already mentioned, it is planned to establish the short-term Vocational training program of viticulture in the vocational college “HORIZONT”.
The presentation attendants were also informed about the National Agricultural Olympiad (NAO project) and its benefits.
The idea and concept of NAO project was created by ADA and National Agro-Olympiad is already an established project in Georgia.
The first National Agro-Olympiad was conducted in 2021 under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. The organizers of NAO-project in Georgia were several international donor organizations (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Austrian Development Agency and the USAID Agriculture Program). At this stage the preparation process of NAO-2022 has already started and it is scheduled to conduct NAO-2022 for June in Georgia.