VETA-platform for non-formal professional education
Within the framework of the project implemented by the Agricultural Development Association (ADA) in the regions of Guria and Imereti, an innovative online platform was created.
The main goal of the above-mentioned platform is the facilitation of the non-formal professional education sector development in various fields of agriculture
At this stage the vocational program of the...

Elaboration and implementation of the practical and theoretical training series
The practical and theoretical training courses were elaborated by ADA in the fields of agricultural and ornamental plants production. The training course in the field of agricultural plants production basically includes a series of trainings regarding the modern production rules and technologies of citrus, subtropical and berry agricultural plants. As for the training course of the ornamental...

Presentation of the project results
The presentation of the project results was conducted in Bahgdati branch of college “IBERIA”.
Within the scope of the mentioned project the short-term Vocational training program –” Agricultural Plants integrated Protection” was established in the project beneficiary college (“IBERIA”).
The project was implemented with the financial facilitation of the United Nations Development Program...

Creation of Innovative learning platform for acquisition and recognition of non-formal education in agricultural fields and establishment of vocational learning program of viticulture
The goal of the project is to facilitate vocational education sector development by strengthening capacities of the beneficiary vocational colleges in Guria and Imereti regions.
Within the scope of the above-mentioned project, in close cooperation with the partner organizations ADA plants to implement the following activities:
Elaboration of the digital learning platform in the field of...

“Agricultural Plants integrated Protection” – Vocational training program establishment in Imereti Region
Within the framework of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) project (“Modernization of Vocational Education and Extension in Georgian Agriculture” VET Phase 2)) the Vocational training program – ” Agricultural Plants integrated Protection” was established in Imereti Region, in Baghdati branch of college...

Vocational training program “Agricultural Plants integrated Protection” – the aims and importance of the program
According to the results of labor market research provided by ADA creation of the mechanisms focused on the knowledge dissemination in the field of agricultural plants integrated protection is one of the most crucial challenges in the agricultural sector of Georgia.
Based on the results of the above-mentioned research the project aiming the establishment of the vocational learning program...

A vocational learning program of the Agricultural Plants integrated Protection has been established in Baghdati branch of college “IBERIA”
As a result of the project implemented by ADA in Imereti region the vocational learning program of the Agricultural Plants Integrated Protection has been established in Baghdati branch of college “IBERIA”.
The duration of the mentioned vocational learning program is 15 weeks and the prerequisite for admission to the program is full general education and age (at least 18 years). ...

Implementation of the Training Needs Assessment of specialists providing agro-extension services
The professional Needs Assessment was provided of the specialists working in the regional and municipal agro-extension services of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.
The assessment was commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and aim of the research was to elaborate the needed training-educational programs focused...

Market potential and feasibility study for organic agriculture
Within the framework of the GRETA project (an ongoing project co-financed by the EU and two EU member states – Sweden and Austria), ADA conducted the research: “Market potential and feasibility study for organic agriculture“.
The research focused on the identification of the most promising organic value chains in the target municipalities Georgia (Ambrolauri, Oni, Lentekhi, Tsagher,...

Elaboration of the Agricultural Extension Packages
Within the framework of the project of the United Nations Development Program Georgia (UNDP) with the financial support of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) (“Modernization of Vocational Education and Training system (VET) related to agriculture in Georgia) the Agricultural Extension packages were elaborated by ADA packages in the following agricultural fields: